Tuesday, February 24, 2009

1. What? – This week we learned about memory and how we use it in a daily aspect. Also, different ways to approach teaching so students may learn and remember what they are learning. It talks about the difference in long term, short term, and working memory. We also discussed different memory techniques, how we learn, how we remember, and how we as teacher can help our students understand our subject matter.

2. So What? –Memory is a strange thing. I have always found it interesting that I can remember some of the strangest thing so easily but I forget some of the most important thing that I want to remember. Short term and long term memory are beneficial things to know about. Knowledge of them may help you to develop way to remember the important stuff, unlike me, and forget more of the weird unimportant things, or what I like to call the bizarre facts that no body cares to know. Knowledge of memory is also beneficial to us when we communicate with others. If we want something to stick in someone’s mind you can use a memory technique to help it stick. 

3. Now What? – I hope to be able to implement this knowledge into my teaching and help the student remember things that I teach them. I plan to do this by lecture less and having more of a class discussion. I will also use activities that well help the students store the information into their long term memory at least that is the plan with the activities. I believe I have said this before, if not I will say it now knowledge never hurts. So to learn more about memory and how people store information in their memory could not hurt especially for a future teacher or a teacher now for that matter.  

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