20. Jan. 2009
Course Contract
List 2-3 specific goals you have for this course.
1. To learn something New and apply it to my teaching and my life
2. To try my best on all assignments
3. To become a better teacher
Describe your weekly preparation plan. Be specific. What will you do each day of the week to prepare for this course.
I will do my assignments on time and do my best on all of them. I will read what is required of me before class. I will help my fellow class mates when ever possible. I will try to do all of my homework without alienating my family.
Outline the study strategies that you will use to understand the material.
I have my own way of studying that works for me and I can not explain it very well.
It is the best way to balance my time and still get the grade I want
Explain the process you will follow if you do not understand a topic.
I will ask other students in the class if they do not know i will asked the teacher.
If I think it will be in the syllabus I will read it. In some cases I will go straight to the teacher.
Complete the following statement:
I will reach my goals in this course by,
trying my hardest to reach them without sacrifing to much of the important things.
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