Thursday, January 29, 2009

Learning about the research types was a much needed review. I the one I have not study was action. I learn all about the others in my psychology class, but obviously I forgotten a lot so I needed this. 

I find this an important topic ecspecially the action reseach because as a teacher we will need to do some research to find a new way if something does not work, or if the students do not like something find out why and change accordingly. 

I need a deeper understanding of each form of research if i am to apply them in real life. I feel I have the basics and could explain them to someone but to use them in a real life situation I will need more information to get a better understanding. I plan to use this information to help perfect my teaching and although I understand that I will never be the perfect teacher I will still need to keep a optimstic view in that I can always get better.   

1 comment:

  1. Make sure that you answer each part of each question thoroughly. This will help you on future blogs and exams for the class.
